Nhs Collaboration Agreement
on martie 5th, 2022 at %H:%M4.9.3 An agreement has been reached on the remaining items to be disposed of. Or if cooperation agreements exist prior to the research request 16.5 The Contractor shall and will ensure that each employee obtains the prior written consent of the Authority before the Contractor or an employee, as the case may be, makes commercial use of the new intellectual property or emerging know-how or research data by third parties or permits third parties to exploit it commercially. The Authority shall not unreasonably refuse or delay such consent, but as a condition of granting consent, the Contractor shall or shall ensure that each employee provides all appropriate details of the proposed marketing agreements, including but not limited to commercial or circulation conditions, the information of which the Authority will treat as confidential. The Authority shall inform the Contractor and/or the Employee within thirty (30) working days of such request for written consent if the Authority requests the Contractor and/or the Employee to enter into a marketing agreement with the Authority. Such a commercialization agreement must at least: Each firm participating in the program must be part of an “ASC cluster” and sign a cooperation agreement. NHS England has developed a model agreement: www.england.nhs.uk/publication/covid-19-vaccination-programme-2020-21-covid-19-enhanced-service-vaccination-collaboration-agreement/. However, this requires tailor-made adjustments for individual groupings to effectively address issues such as governance, data sharing, risk sharing and responsibility, and funding. 12.3 The Contractor shall make all reasonable efforts (and ensure that each employee uses them) to comply, to the extent possible, with the guidelines and advice of the Authority and the Health Research Authority on the conduct of research and the use and implementation of niHR Model Research Agreements or those issued by the Health Research Authority, which may be published from time to time. “Third Party Intellectual Property” means any intellectual property owned or controlled by a party (including an employee) other than a Contractor through which the Contractor has entered into or can reasonably expect a formal agreement or license to use it in the conduct of research or the performance of the terms of this Agreement. At the end of the search, the contractor shall submit to the Authority a final declaration of expenditure indicating all costs duly incurred under the contract. It is only upon receipt of this document and with the consent of the authority`s representative that the final payment of all unpaid funds will be made. [If the cooperation agreements have not yet been formally agreed 28.3 If the matter has not been resolved by an agreed ADR procedure within one (1) month of the commencement of such proceedings, the dispute shall be submitted to a single arbitrator to be agreed by the parties or within fourteen (14) days by the President of the Approved Institute of Arbitrators under the Arbitration Act 1996. The arbitration shall be conducted in London and shall be conducted in accordance with the Arbitration Act 1996 and such arbitration rules as the parties may agree or, in the absence of agreement, in accordance with the rules of the London Court of International Arbitration, the rules of which shall apply by reference to this Condition.
“Contractor Cooperation Agreement” means the agreement between the Contractor and its employees involved in the conduct of the Research. 16.4 In accordance with the sound management of intellectual property and subject to the written agreement of the Authority, the Contractor shall make all reasonable efforts to: 15.8.1 Any agreement in which the Intellectual Property Agreements would affect the Contractor`s ability to comply with the terms of this Agreement; or 10.5 No information that would identify a person may be included in publications without the prior written consent of the person concerned. Without the prior written consent of the Authority, there shall be no appointment of individual officials of the Authority or information capable of enabling them to be identified. This version of the model collaborative commissioning agreement is formulated on the basis that the cooperation covers several contracts. A separate version is available to cover situations where Commissioners wish to cover a single contract through a cooperation agreement. 15.8.2 All agreements not governed by English and Welsh law. 16.6 Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the Contractor shall ensure that all marketing proceeds allocated to the Authority as a result of commercial use are distributed in accordance with the terms of the respective revenue-sharing agreement. 5.1 If any amount of money is owed by the Contractor to the Authority or any other government agency, it may be deducted from any amount due at that time or to which the Contractor is entitled at any later date under this Agreement or any other agreement with the Authority or any other department. Crown office or agency.
26.1.2 enter into this contract or any other contract with the Crown in respect of which a commission has been paid or agreed to be paid by the Crown or on its behalf or knowledge, unless the details of such commission have been established prior to the announcement of the contract and the terms of such payment agreement have been communicated to the Authority in writing. .